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Ielasi Tuned USA

Ielasi Tuned .21 GP5GTR’23 World Champion Edition On-Road GT RC Nitro Engine

Regular price $629.99 USD
Regular price $799.99 USD Sale price $629.99 USD
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IELASITUNED presents the WC Edition version of the GP5GTR23 engine

Obviously we couldn't miss the "World Champion Edition" version of our GP5GTR23 .21 GT engine.
This version differs from the previous model only in 2 small changes on the timing (crankshaft and cylinder) as once Sydney arrived (like everywhere else now) it was important to go fast in performance but above more runtime and with this configuration we have always managed to do the 7 minutes comfortably in each qualifying heat without ever losing performance in our engine.
Obviously the graphics have also been revisited for this “special” version.
Stay tuned as always, more news is coming!!

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